Celluloid Dreams: A century of film in New Zealand

Editors: Geoffrey Churchman, Stephen Cain and Patrick Hudson
Format: 286 x 210 mm portrait, softcovered
ISBN 0-908876-96-3
Pages: 144
Weight: 654 grams
Price: $39.95

This book is the centennial history of motion pictures in New Zealand. 

The first part of the book traces the development of cinema shows in the country from the earliest flickering, jerky "silents" in makeshift premises, through the grandeur of the 1920s picture palaces, to today's sophisticated multiplexes; examines the careers of notable impressarios and entrepreneurs; and looks at the controversy of film censorship since the 1910s.

The second part of the book covers filmmaking in New Zealand since the end of the 19th century - the various types of  productions by independents, government and television, challenges that filmmakers have faced, pioneers and standout figures in the industry, and the notable films that have been made. An appendix provides a filmography of New Zealand feature films from 1940 through 1996.

Thoroughly researched and illustrated with over 140 excellent photos, 36 in colour, this book is a key reference to New Zealand cinema and films.

Reviewers say...

"... it succeeds admirably. It's well written, zeroing in on the quirky details that bring such histories alive; well laid out, has colour pictures (and very nice ones they are too); and ... isn't afraid to make sweeping and entertaining judgements of films." 
- Nick Grant, OnFilm

"... well produced and generously illustrated"  - Jonathan Dennis, Film Show

"... [the editors] have done an excellent job of condensing so much history into 144 pages."   - City Voice

"... an interesting overview of both the development of cinema and of filmmaking" 
- Feature

"... interesting reading and engaging photography"   - New Zealand Memories

" ... chock full of facts ... an excellent reference source"  - Daily Telegraph